From mastering fire to inventing the wheel to creat­ing apps for modern devices, mankind has advanced because humans are naturally curious and inherently creative. These traits lead to innovation. Creative and criti­cal thinking allow us to not only solve problems, but also to identify needs that can be served. Odyssey of the Mind rewards participants for being curious and creative. In OotM, teams take many individual ideas and thoughts and work together to form superior solutions.

Participants succeed in life because OotM teaches the Cre­ative Problem Solving Process: Identify the problem, brain­storm ideas, evaluate the ideas, choose the best idea, then develop and evaluate it. The Odyssey education is in learn­ing the process of solving new problems using creativity and knowledge.

In OotM we recognize that curiosity and original thinking should be nurtured. History is filled with countless discov­eries and innovations that were made by individuals who thought differently and followed their creative and curious instincts. OotM teaches how to apply these instincts in a productive and forward-thinking way.

As a result, participants become scientists, engineers, artists, actors, doctors and more who will be prepared to identify and solve any type of problems that may arise in their future.

Check out a few of the many testimonials proving how Odyssey’s Creative Problem Solving Process has helped individuals succeed!